Season statistics

Number of PBs posted since the beginning of the season : 3930

Average score of PBs posted since the beginning of the season : 162

Game Number of submissions Average score Median Score Max
Bubble Ghost 380 (10%) 162 172 214
F-zero 453 (12%) 173 185 210
Action Henk 554 (14%) 168 181 208
The Magical Quest 387 (10%) 148 169 208
Extricate 497 (13%) 163 185 220
Another Perspective 372 (9%) 154 175 213
BattleBlock Theater 376 (10%) 151 167 211
Heavy Bullets 331 (8%) 175 188 220
Skyblazer 283 (7%) 157 176 208
Color symphony 2 297 (8%) 163 184 220